BAMBA: Ice-Cream (FREE)
Pick your flavors: vanilla, chocolate even robot and rainbow! Pick toppings: sprinkles, gummy bears, zombie?! Create all the different ice-creams you want. Baskets of ice-cream. Ice-cream on waffles! Don't eat too fast, you'll get a brain freeze!

BAMBA: Burger (FREE)
Create your own fast food creation. Burger. Soda. Fries. Put whatever you want on your burger. Cheese, ketchup, toilet paper. Fill your soda up, make french fries, pay and eat it up! You even get a fun kids prize.
These are both simple food making apps. My kids love them for the silly factor (Vanilla ice-cream with unicorn on top, don't mind if I do). Another one of my favorite triple threats: Articulation, language, pragmatics.
Stage 3 Mandibular: top, hot
Stage 4 Labial Facial: mmmm, yum, more, me, tap, pay, eat, cup, bun
Stage 5 Lingual: hot, top, tap, paid, eat/ate, cone, cut, bun
Stage 6 Sequenced: eat it up, pay now
Language: sequence, follow directions, WH?, yes/no questions (expressive/receptive)
Pragmatics: Sharing, asking appropriate questions, "What would you like on yours?"