Sunday, April 28, 2013

APP-Y HOUR: TalkBoard

TalkBoard: $16.99

TalkBoard allows you to access your iPad's photos and utilize them in a custom board! Make a 1X1 board, or a 10X10 board! Add pictures, text, timer (for scan feature), branching (have app move from one board to another with the tap of a finger!) and of course sound!

This app has helped me many times when a client has forgotten a communication device, or did not have one accessible. In less than 5 minutes I was able to create a personal board for the client!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Self-Study PROMPT Project: Toca Boca Tea Party app

I was able to work with wonderful mentors who helped me complete my PROMPT technique self-study project! I wanted to share an activity, as it's difficult as a new PROMPT trained clinician to find inspiration and ideas for PROMPT technique therapy!

Use the Toca Boca Tea Party app:

V. Lingual Control
(with labial-facial mapping)
Parameter, surface, complex, syllable some mapping
 /t/, /d/, /n/
On, tap, set/put, tea, eat, need, me, one, oops, more
“Need tea”, “Need one”, “Oh-no”, "put out"
iPad with Toca Boca Tea Party app
·      Turn on the iPad.  Prompt child to say “on”
·      Locate app.  Clinician takes turn to model “tap”.  Clinician prompts child to say “tap” to enter game.
·      Set the table.  Clinician prompts child to say “set” or "put/put out".  Clinician and child take turns to set a total of 3 plate(s)/cup(s)/dessert(s).
·      PARTY! Clinician and child participate in a tea party where they sip drinks, eat food and sometimes spill their tea.
·      Clean up.  After tea party is finished, Clinician and child will take turns loading the sink.  Clinician will prompt the child to say “put in”.
Turn Taking:
Clinician and child will take turns for the entire activity.  Clinician will model words/phrases during her turn. 
Use a real toy tea set

Good Luck! I hope this helps you in your own PROMPT journey!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

APP-Y HOUR: Bubbles

Bubbles (.99 cents)

Totally worth the money. I have used this app for EVERYTHING! I use this app with children who are unfamiliar with the iPad.  I have had a lot of success with teaching skills used, such as drag/tap with the appropriate pressure.

Reinforcement (earn the game)
**Teach pre-iPad skills (drag and tap with the appropriate amount of force/pressure)

Articulation: (labial facial control, mandibular control, lingual control)
         -"oh-no", "uh-oh"
         -Turn taking (You make bubbles, I make bubbles)
         -Requests (More bubbles please!)

Pop-on friends.