This app was created by the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC) by listening and spoken language specialists.
I love to pair this app with the story "The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything". I use this with a lot of my students.
We color and cut out the pieces and make puppets. They have to listen to the sounds of the pieces and make their puppet do the actions
Shoes say "clomp clomp"
Pants say "wiggle wiggle"
Shirt says "shake shake shake"
Hat says "nod"
Gloves say "clap"
Pumpkin says "boo!"
Phonatory Control: "ah" for on, "mm" for more
Labial-facial control: boo, shake, oh no!
Lingual control/sequenced: clomp, wiggle, clap, nod
LANGUAGE: sequencing, following directions, recall story, describing
And the mouse went ::click click::