Out of the hundreds of apps I have downloaded, this is my favorite!
Invite 3 people (or stuffed animals) to a lovely tea party. Set the table with plates and cups, choose snacks and enjoy! During the party you can make spills and clean up the mess. Everyone at the party can simultaneously play!
I haven't met anyone that does not enjoy this app! All my preschoolers beg for "tea party"! We have so much fun, and I can integrate both language and articulation goals into the game.
Language: Answer "WH" questions (What color plate? What do you want to drink? What do you want to eat?)
Ask "WH" questions **the dreaded will "comprehend and use "WH" and yes/no questions** The way I have elicited questions from my students is through some tough love. When they try to give me a dessert I reply "I don't want that" until they finally ask, "What you want?"**
Pragmatics/manners (Only eat off your plate, offer tea/food to the other guests/asking questions).
I have recently become PROMPT trained. I have created a brief lexicon to use for this app:
Mandibular: /a/, /ae/, /u/, /o/
Labial-Facial: /o/, /i/, /u/
Anterior Lingual: /t/, /d/, /n/, /s/
me, tea, two/to/too, need, one, eat, oh-no, oopps, set, put, on
In the wise words of Marier-Antionette, "Let them eat cake!"
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