Here's a few activities that keep my clients compliant and engaged throughout the entire session! Read the book, make some art and of course play on the iPad!
I've been on a "Hungry Caterpillar" kick! First I read the story to my clients and tell them they will read the story. All my Pre-Schoolers tell me, "But I can't read!" I assure them they can! Then using felt pieces I made (A.C. Moore sells iron on paper! I just scan and iron onto white felt) my clients "read" the story. It's great to see how proud they are when they finish and I get to tell them they read the story!
I've been on a "Hungry Caterpillar" kick! First I read the story to my clients and tell them they will read the story. All my Pre-Schoolers tell me, "But I can't read!" I assure them they can! Then using felt pieces I made (A.C. Moore sells iron on paper! I just scan and iron onto white felt) my clients "read" the story. It's great to see how proud they are when they finish and I get to tell them they read the story!
*Leave a comment with your e-mail address and I can send you a copy of the pieces so you don't have to scan!*
A fun companion activity we do after is we make our own symmetrical butterflies. Using scented dot markers (Wal-mart!) we make dots and designs and fold our paper in half to make symmetrical designs. The kids think it's neat, I love the dot markers cause they don't make a mess and we get to explore some sensory integration with smell!
A fun companion activity we do after is we make our own symmetrical butterflies. Using scented dot markers (Wal-mart!) we make dots and designs and fold our paper in half to make symmetrical designs. The kids think it's neat, I love the dot markers cause they don't make a mess and we get to explore some sensory integration with smell!
*Remember those great markers your elementary art teacher let you use! Check out all their products*
I was able to grab this app during a free app sensational sale (Check it out)! I have my kids follow directions and practice counting!
need, dot, more, me, same, mmmm, one, two
Mandibular control: dot, need
Labial-Facial control: more, me, same, mmmm
Lingual control: one, two
Labial-Facial control: more, me, same, mmmm
Lingual control: one, two
sequence; first/next/then/last, labeling (food items), counting, answering/asking "WH?", predicting ("What do you think yellow will smell like?"), follow directions
Smell ya later!