Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I've made the jump from "PROMPT trained" to "Bridged".  It's been an exciting adventure and I'm anxious to continue to learn and hone all my PROMPT skills.

After the Bridging course, I purchased the SmarTools (Cards and CD).  The PROMPT institute offers a wonderful discount for those who buy them through the instructor after either Intro or Bridging.  I highly recommend these products.

The CD allows you to add clients, input client information and even take daily session notes! Every client folder also allows the user to complete the SAO/MSH and pick goals from a wide variety of pre-written goals!  This has been very helpful in making the transition from trained to bridged!

The CD also has components to look up specific words/phrases based on stages/goals as well as activities!

The cards are a photo card set based on PROMPT systems and motor speech hierarchy.  They are divided into 5 stages (phonotory, mandibular, labial-facial, lingual and sequenced movements).  Each card deck has 26 word pairs. This is another wonderful transition tool, as I'm finding it easier to navigate stages.

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